Beberapa resensi yang tersedia di Kedai Resensi Surabaya merupakan serangkaian resensi dari penulis yang sama atau bertopik sama. Berikut beberapa judul resensi berseri di Kedai Resensi Surabaya yang dapat pembaca nikmati. Kami hanya akan menampilkan judul-judul buku yang telah diresensi. Klik pada judul untuk menuju laman resensi.
Samir Amin
- A Life Looking Forward
- The Reawakening of the Arab World
- The Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism
- The Liberal Virus
- The Long Revolution of the Global South
Michel Foucault
- The Birth of Clinic
- Abnormal
- The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Vol. 1
- Remarks on Marx
- On the Government of the Living
- Society Must Be Defended
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
Oleh penulis lain, tentang Foucault
- Marx and Foucault / Antonio Negri
- Foucault on Leadership: The Leader as Subject / Nathan W. Hartner
- The Globalization of Space / Mariangela Palladino & John Miller (eds.)
Antonio Negri
- Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire
- From the Factories to the Metropolis
- The Politics of Subversion
- Marx and Foucault
- Build It Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century / Michael A. Lebowitz
- A World To Build / Marta Harnecker